Dedicated to creating a greener future locally!
On Tuesday 5th March, eight Smarties from across the business descended on Ashburton Playing Fields in Croydon to plant trees in partnership with Trees for Cities.
Tree Planting with Trees for Cities
On Tuesday 5th March, eight Smarties from across the business ascended on Ashburton Playing Fields in Croydon to plant trees and bond over their lack of appropriate attire! The keen volunteers were introduced and briefed by the Trees for Cities team, whom the day was arranged through. Trees for Cities is a UK-based charity that works on both a National and international scale to improve lives by planting trees in cities. They get stuck in with local communities to cultivate lasting change in neighbourhoods, whether it’s through revitalising forgotten spaces, creating healthier environments or educating individuals on growing, foraging and eating healthily.
Unfortunately, the weather was not on their side for the first couple of hours. Whilst battling with the elements and being closely supervised, the team managed to plant 6 trees of varying species, that had been either requested by the council or had been identified as the best trees for the environment i.e. remove water from boggier areas. The groups worked in two teams, digging, planting, hammering and spreading mulch to ensure they were planted to survive the elements. The day put the Smarties through their paces but it was a race to the finish, as the two teams channelled their competitive sides to see who could complete the full process of tree planting the fastest.
This opportunity was fantastic for all involved. Not only was it great to give back to the local community, but it enabled our employees to widen their skill sets – discovering that they too can be green-fingered whilst learning about the various processes involved in planting trees. It also doubled up as a great team building exercise, bringing together individuals from lots of areas of our business.

Why Tree Planting?
As a business, we have adopted a Measure, Reduce and Offset sustainability initiative which will allow us to reduce our carbon footprint and make events impactful for the whole world. By offsetting locally, we’re providing both environmental and social benefits to London communities, creating nicer, greener spaces for the future. Due to the location of our flagship venue, Evolution London, London parklands hold a unique space in our hearts and we will ensure we protect them where possible.

Local and Global Impacts
The recent tree planting day was also accompanied by a £6,000 donation to Rewilding Britain. Rewilding Britain is a fantastic organisation, promoting and facilitating the restoration of natural habitats and processes across the British landscape, and addressing pressing challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss.
Rewilding Britain helps create a wilder Britain that improves lives for people, nature and the climate. Rewilding is the large-scale restoration of nature until it can take care of itself – and us – again. It’s about restoring nature’s remarkable web of life, including habitats, natural processes and, where appropriate, missing species. Rewilding Britain wants to see rewilding flourishing across Britain, reconnecting us with nature, sustaining communities, and tackling the climate emergency and extinction crisis. We’re inspiring a movement of rewilders across Britain’s land and seas. So that together we can ensure a wilder, nature-rich future that benefits us all.
Our dedication to making greener decisions extends globally with our Evolution London site visit initiative. In late 2023, we opted to plant a fruit tree on behalf of every client who attends a site visit with us. Through B1G1, each site visit will provide the necessary garden tools and fruit tree seedlings to plant one fruit tree for a family that will create an orchard of fruits that improves nutrition and generates income in the long run. A fruit tree also restores the neighbourhood environment, reducing the impact of natural disasters. In addition, the fruits can be harvested and sold in the local market to increase income which ensures that the tree is looked after long-term.